Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Chocolate Meringue Biscuits

Really getting back into baking at the moment and wanted to try something a little bit different.  So I decided to try making biscuits.  I really want to learn how to make those chewy chocolate chip cookies but need to start somewhere.

This was a really easy peasy recipe, the electric mixer my mum got me for Xmas is working overtime these days!

Recipe: Supposed to make 10 biscuits but I got 9 good sized ones out of the mix.

2 Egg Whites (I had really small eggs so decided to use 3)
125g Icing sugar (sieved)
125g Water Crackers (finely crushed)
100g dark cooking chocolate (melted and cooled)
A few drops of Vanilla Essence

1) Preheat the oven to 180° C and line a baking sheet with baking parchment
2) Whisk egg whites until they form stiff peaks
3) Whisk in the icing sugar 1 spoonful at a time
4) Gently fold in the crushed crackers, melted chocolate and vanilla essence
5) Place spoonfuls of the mixture onto the baking parchment (leaving a little room for them to spread out)
6) Bake for 15 mins until they are firm to touch
7) Allow to cool on a wire rack

Before going into oven:

Finished product: 

End Result:  I found the texture to be a little chewy so I think next time, I would try adding less of the water crackers, although got good responses from the other 2 people who tried them!  I was considering replacing the crackers with flour, but again was advised that this might not work as well. But maybe a little more experimentation will get them just the way I want them.

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